📕 Life and Freedom. The autobiography of the former president of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabach. ☞ цена от 449.00 ₽. Читайте рецензии и отзывы реальных покупателей. 🚚 Доставка по всему миру.
📕 Life and Freedom. The autobiography of the former president of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabach. ☞ цена от 449.00 ₽. Читайте рецензии и отзывы реальных покупателей. 🚚 Доставка по всему миру.

Life and Freedom
The autobiography of the former president of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabach

Электронная книга449 руб.
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449 руб.
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О чём книга «Life and Freedom. The autobiography of the former president of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabach»

The book by the former president of Armenia and the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Robert Kocharyan, sheds light on one of the most complex and controversial pages in the history of the Armenian people. As an organizer and participant of key events in Armenia and Karabakh, Kocharyan presents his account of this period.

The book contains previously unpublished information and once-classified documents, along with historical photos from his personal archives.

The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh became one of the first precursors of the USSR’s demise. The weakening central power was evidently unable to cope with the economic challenges, while «perestroika» and «glasnost» were swiftly and dramatically undermining the nation’s system of governance. The authorities proved ineffective in proposing anything innovative, appealing, and capable of mobilizing society. The country, anchored in absolute centralization and held together by a uniform ideology, was rapidly losing its bearings. But despite all of this, the threat to the Soviet Union’s integrity became real and even inevitable only when cracks appeared along its most vulnerable fault line — the ethnic divide.

This book is about

  • the collapse of the Soviet Union and its aftermath for the former national republics
  • the most important matters in the newest history of Nagorno-Karabach and Armenia
  • how small unrecognized country won the outnumbered opponent
  • many attempts to solve the Karabach conflict
  • how the personality of a leader influences the politics of the country
  • how the years, spent at the top of the powers, reflect in the soul of a human.

During these turbulent times, I found myself at the epicenter of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, emerging as one of the key figures. Whenever protest rallies, strikes, states of emergency, martial law, armed militias, ethnic clashes, confrontations with the military, or war took place in the Soviet Union, they first happened in or around Karabakh.

Для кого

All readers 16+

Роберт Кочарян
Роберт Кочарян
Robert Kocharyan

Один из лидеров движения народа Нагорного Карабаха за воссоединение с Арменией. В годы военного противостояния между Карабахом и Азербайджаном возглавил Государственный комитет обороны. Первый президент непризнанной Нагорно-Карабахской республики. С 1998 по 2008 г. занимал пост президента Армении.

Тип издания
Электронная книга
Возрастное ограничение
Альпина PRO
Количество страниц
Год выпуска
epub, mobi
7 MB
Оригинальное имя автора
Robert Kocharyan
Life and Freedom
449 руб.0 руб.

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